One of my primary duties at the Institute for Teaching and Learning Excellence involves training faculty to be more effective instructors through adoption of research-based engagement strategies as well as the the use of educational technology. During the summer of 2020 I hosted dozens of webinars for OSU faculty to help them effectively transition to online teaching in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Topics ranged from leveraging the power of the Canvas LMS to discussions about engaging students in online educational environments.
Online Teaching isn’t just about technology. It’s about building connections with students, and finding creative ways to accomplish your course goals in an online format without sacrificing the quality of your instruction.
Using the Discussion Board in Canvas to engage students. I demonstrate techniques and best practices in realtime for attendees to see firsthand how discussion board can be an effective tool for creating rich instructional environments.
The Flipped Classroom is an excellent option for instructors who want a different way to use in-class sessions as a way of applying concepts that are learned out of class. I teach my Project Management class using this method, and demonstrate how others can do it in this webinar.